Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Independence Day For Real?

I was just looking at some photos from the Red White and Boom fireworks we had here in Columbus on July 3rd. This was our first year watching from the roof of our condo downtown. It was pretty amazing and loads of fun.

It started me thinking about Independence. For must of us I think it is about things we expect and maybe even take for granted. Things like living and working where we want, choosing the place and way we want to worship, the freedom to express our opinions about any topic.

But what about personal Independence? I once read a quote (I can't recall where/who said it, but if I find it I'll post) about living life on my personal terms. Independent. It went like this - "Doing what I want to do when I want to do it." Doesn't that sound great? It doesn't' mean no obligations or responsibilities. At least not to me.

What I take from that is that I get to CHOOSE - me - how I'm going to live my life. It's pretty exciting to realize that I don't have to follow someone else's notion of what is the right the to do, or the right way to do it.

So, take a chance.... decide from now on to live on your terms. Change the things that aren't working for you or at least make a plan to start change. Today is the only day we get guaranteed... make the best of it and enjoy it to the fullest!

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