Monday, July 21, 2008

How to Develop your Cold Call Script

In my last post, I talked about the need for a regular methodical approach to cold calling. In order to be most effective AND to greatly enhance the process of cold calling I highly recommend you use a script or "go to" notes. This will help you keep on track and aid in making sure you let the potential client really hear the best you have to offer.

Now, most of us don't like the idea of a script and hate when someone calls and is blatantly reading over the phone. I am not suggesting you do this at all. Your "script" is going to be more like talking points. Things that are worded well, covey your message in a creative but succinct way and prompt the other person to ask for more info... that kind of script sounds good doesn't it?

Here's how to get started. Work on 2 or 3 statements that describe who you are. Here's an example: "Hi, I'm Phyllis Nichols and I provide financial education that works money magic, allowing you to eliminate all debt - even your mortgage on your current monthly budget." Have a couple statements that you can tailor to your contact and prevent your from being stale. Also, practice them a bit so your timing and delivery sounds energetic, not stiff or rehearsed. The goal here is to be interesting and conversational.

Next develop 4-5 go to statements about your product or service. You might want to use this formula - state the benefit (what the buyer gains) then the feature (what it is). This takes a little practice, but will become natural. Most of us do this already when talking about something we like or find helpful.
Here's an example: Eliminate the stress of household finances (what the buyer gains) and allow us to put together a game plan to reach your goals. (What we do)

When you have your statements ready, practice them a bit so you can work them into the natural flow of your conversations. I highly recommend practicing cold calls with a friend - try out your new statements, ask for feedback. The goal is to be confident when you are on your calls.

Keep track of what works – is there a benefit that everyone is looking for? Saving money and/or time is a big one of course, but there are others. “Green”, recycling, natural or organic products and services are really popular so if you are able, integrate that benefit into your conversations. Every industry has hot buttons that resonate with your potential clients. Don’t be afraid to use them, just make sure you have a cool, creative twist that helps you stand out from the crowd!

1 comment:

Julie Northrop said...

Just when I needed it! Awesome information!